The Consistency Corner

Unfiltered Friday 12/15/23: Mastering Investment Strategies and Business Decisions with Marin Laukka

December 15, 2023 Ruthie Sterrett Episode 159
The Consistency Corner
Unfiltered Friday 12/15/23: Mastering Investment Strategies and Business Decisions with Marin Laukka
Show Notes

Welcome to another episode of Unfiltered Fridays! I'm so excited to have Marin Laukka joining us today to discuss the weight of making investment decisions and the comparison cycle that often arises in the online space. We're walking through some simple steps to navigate the analysis paralysis that can occur when making financial decisions, as well as the importance of considering your time and energy when making crucial investment decisions. Let's dive in!

Here's a peek into what we chatted about:

  • Why both practical and mindset support is critical to consider when making financial decisions.
  • Why it's important to take the time to analyze investment decisions and determine if they align with your values and long-term goals.
  • The importance of evaluating the opportunity cost of investments, considering both financial and time commitments.
  • How to recognize your capacity and energy levels when making decisions, and why you should consider outsourcing tasks that are not aligned with your strengths.
  • The importance of aligning your investments with your values to create a sense of fulfillment and attract more opportunities.

Download Marin's Financial Freedom Workbook HERE!

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