The Consistency Corner | Instagram Alone is NOT a Marketing Strategy

Navigating the Challenges of Email Marketing and List Building

Episode 180

In this unfiltered episode, host Ruthie Sterrett, a CMO and founder of The Consistency Corner reflects on a drop in email open rates, click rates, and sales in business. Because she believes in the importance of transparent conversations about the challenges of running a business and the allure of quick fixes and easy solutions. Ruthie shares her experience of building her email list and realizing something is off.   She explores the need to define the ideal client and refine the messaging to better connect with a target audience. Ruthie emphasizes the importance of community and supporting each other on the journey of entrepreneurship in this raw and real behind the scenes episode.


  • Transparent conversations about the challenges of running a business are important for women in business to have with each other.
  • The allure of quick fixes and easy solutions can be tempting, but it's important to recognize that building a successful business is complex and requires ongoing effort.
  • Building an email list through bundles and summits could attract an audience that may not be aligned with your offer suite. 
  • Defining the ideal client and refining messaging are crucial for connecting with the right audience and driving conversions.
  • Community and support from like-minded entrepreneurs are essential for navigating the journey of entrepreneurship.

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